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Research Interests


Roy Lemmon



My research interests are focused on understanding the behaviour of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter, in particular its equation of state and in-medium properties. In addition to the intrinsic interest of studying how strongly interacting matter behaves in general, this is also a crucial component in our understanding of the characteristics of compact astrophysical objects such as neutron stars and binary mergers.

Several different experimental techniques using beams of both stable and rare isotopes are being pursued. Central heavy ion collisions are used to transiently create a region of nuclear matter in the laboratory with densities and temperatures which are very different to those present in normal nuclei. Direct reactions using light ions are used to probe nuclear matter at the densities and temperatures found in normal nuclei.


Experiments are performed at the leading rare isotope facilities around the world, including GSI (Germany), GANIL (France), RIBF-RIKEN (Japan) and NSCL-MSU (USA). Future programmes will be carried out at facilities now under construction, including FAIR (Germany), SPIRAL2 (France) and FRIB (USA). The development of advanced detection systems for these facilities is also carried out.


Research Projects

• Constraining the density dependence of the symmetry energy
• Correlations in nuclei and nuclear matter


Detector Development

• The Si tracker for R3B at FAIR


Dr Roy Lemmon