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EUROGAM was a UK - France collaboration to build an array of gamma-ray detectors.


In its first phase, the array consisted of 45 large volume germanium detectors each housed in a bismuth germanate suppression shield. It was operated at Daresbury Laboratory in 1993.


In its second phase, at the Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, at Strasbourg (IReS) in France, the array consisted of 30 large germanium detectors from the first phase plus 24 Clover germanium detectors and associated suppression shields. The electronics for the array was based on the then new VXI-bus and the data acquisition system handled a rate of over 1 Mbyte / second.


The NPG was involved in many aspects of the EUROGAM project including the detector and mechanical design (computer aided design and finite element analysis), electronics (VXI, VME, NIM), software (control, data acquisition, data analysis and user interface), automatic liquid nitrogen filling system and signal cabling.


Specifications and other documents for Eurogam are available.


The Eurogam project was extremely successful. To date well over 100 publications in refereed journals have been published from Eurogam results.



Prof J Simpson