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Charissa and MEGHA

The NPG supported the charged particle detector array projects Charissa and MEGHA


The NPG supported the charged particle detector array project Charissa. The group helped to establish this project on beamlines at ANU Canberra and IReS, Strasbourg.


MEGHA - Multi Element Gas Hybrid Array
The NPG has coordinated the design and production of the MEGHA array of charged particle detectors. The array consists of five detector modules each containing nine hybrid particle telescopes. A telescope is comprised of a gas ionisation counter energy loss detector, a thin silicon position and energy loss detector and a CsI scintillator to measure the residual energy.


Design work has included a target chamber to hold the five detector modules, both the prototype and production modules and the associated gas handling system. Production work has included individual gas hybrid detectors and replacement windows and grids. Extensive software support was provided for the successful commissioning and installation of a data acquisition system at the Australian National University, ANU, Canberra.



Dr R C Lemmon