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EXOGAM is a collaboration to operate a highly efficient and powerful gamma-ray spectrometer for nuclear spectroscopy.


The EXOGAM array is designed and located to use the exotic beams from the Systeme de Production d'Ions Radioactifs et d'Acceleration en Ligne (SPIRAL) facility at the Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL).



In order to exploit the interesting new physics challenges that SPIRAL presents a new compact, highly efficient, highly segmented, device for gamma-ray spectroscopy was designed in a flexible way in order to cope with different experimental set-ups and different ancillary devices. The Exogam spectrometer is a high efficiency array of gamma-ray detectors with associated high voltage, autofill system, cabling and mechanics and a dedicated electronics and data acquisition system.


The NPG played a leading role in several aspects of the realisation of the Exogam project including the detector and mechanical design, the electronic and data acquisition and project co-ordination.



Prof J Simpson (Exogam Project Leader)
Mr I Lazarus (Exogam Electronics)
Dr V Pucknell (Exogam Data Acquisition)
Mr J Strachan (Mechanical Engineering and Design)