MIDAS software download and installation

Installation of the VXI support package for VxWorks

Last updated Jan 23 2002

Download of VxWorks - The following instructions assume that you are familiar with VxWorks and are just an indication of the statements specific to the MIDAS installation. It is NOT expected that someone who has never used VxWorks before would be able to perform a software installation without additional assistance.

The NVRAM of the processors of all the VxWorks systems will need to be edited to contain the correct addresses and refer to the correct files.

generic VxWorks start up script

All VxWorks systems use the file /MIDAS/boot/startup.cmd

#--------- Start of sample generic startup.cmd  (/MIDAS/boot/startup.cmd)
tyBackspaceSet 0x7f

hostAdd "nnsa",  ""
hostAdd "egmsg", ""                /* currently nnsa */

server = "nnsa"

nfsMount server, "/data_acq/MIDAS", "/MIDAS"

iam "VxWorks"

thishost = malloc (11) 
gethostname thishost, 10
nfsAuthUnixSet thishost, 14052, 14003, 0    /* id=VxWorks, gp=eurogam */

NetVar_MyHostName = calloc(80,1)
strcpy (NetVar_MyHostName, thishost)

NetVar_ServerOS = calloc(80,1)
strcpy (NetVar_ServerOS, "VxWorks")

myPrompt = malloc (15) 
strcpy (myPrompt, thishost)
shellPromptSet (strcat (myPrompt, " -> "))
#--------- End of sample generic startup.cmd

This will need to be edited for the local server. Change nnsa; the IP address of the server (do not change string egmsg); uid and gid for VxWorks.

VXI crate software (loaded into Resource Manager)

For each VXI crate a directory of the form /MIDAS/boot/xxx will be needed.
This contains the VxWorks system specific startup script file. In this example xxx is n1vxi1.

#--------- Start of sample system specific startup.cmd
< /MIDAS/boot/startup.cmd

#    define name which will be used in the apparatus file for this VXI crate
NetVar_MyVXICrate = calloc(80,1)
strcpy (NetVar_MyVXICrate, "vxi1")

cd "/MIDAS/obj"

ld < rdwr.o
ld < message.o

#    Note - loading order is important

ld < resourceManager.o
ld < register-server.o

#      histindex needs to be before both spectrum server and VXI
ld < histindex.o

#      must be after histindex 
< /MIDAS/config/VXI/GroupDefn

#      spectrum server needs to be after register-server
ld < rmansas.o

ld < registers.o
ld < ersconfig.o
ld < generic.o
ld < VME.o
ld < VXI.o

< /MIDAS/config/VXI/NetVarDefn

#   for testing new modules

#    for general testing

msgInitialise                             /* install the message logging task */

#TestSlot = 11                   /*  fills out the crate with module in slot  */

resourceManager                                     /* VXI auto configuration */

taskDelay 100

ersInstall NetVar_MyVXICrate, "/MIDAS/config/VXI/n1vxi1"  /* start the register server */
taskDelay 1000  /*  again a pause is needed to allow the previous command to execute   */

ersconfig "/MIDAS/config/VXI/NetVarRegDefn"    /* define NetVar registers */

taskDelay 100                               /*  again a pause is needed ...   */

sasInstall  0x100    /* starting the spectrum server moved after register server for new sas */

msgDefineMessage(0,0,9,0,"#message#VXI crate reboot complete#action#source VXIrestart.tcl vxi1")

#--------- End of sample system specific startup.cmd

This startup expects 4 configuration files
  • /MIDAS/config/VXI/GroupDefn
  • /MIDAS/config/VXI/NetVarDefn
  • /MIDAS/config/VXI/NetVarRegDefn
  • /MIDAS/config/VXI/n1vxi1
Sample /MIDAS/config/VXI/GroupDefn
BgoBallBase = 81
GeBase = 51
CloverBase = 21
ClusterBase = 1
SaphirBase = 101
IcareBase = 10
NWallBase = 161
CsIBase = 191
QDC6414VBase = 111
ESSBase = 128
ECCBase = 160
HRGe8xBase = 160
GOCCEBase = 175
Sample /MIDAS/config/VXI/GroupDefn

strcpy (NetVar_ServerType = calloc(80,1), "VXI")
strcpy (NetVar_ServerOS = calloc(80,1), "VxWorks")

#  variables for holding inspection line application

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_D1 = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_D2 = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_D3 = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_D4 = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_A1 = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_A2 = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_V = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_PAR1 = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

strcpy (NetVar_Inspection_PAR2 = calloc(80,1), "Disconnected ")

#   variable to indicate that a software reset has been performed after reboot
NetVar_HasBeenReset = 0

#   variable to indicate that a parameter restore has been performed after reboot
NetVar_HasBeenRestored = 0

#   variable to indicate that a software setup has been performed after reboot
NetVar_HasBeenSetup = 0
Sample /MIDAS/config/VXI/NetVarRegDefn
ersdefine   NetVar_MyHostName       generic
erswta      NetVar_MyHostName       -n NetVar_MyHostName -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_MyVXICrate   generic
erswta      NetVar_MyVXICrate   -n NetVar_MyVXICrate -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_ServerType   generic
erswta      NetVar_ServerType   -n NetVar_ServerType -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_ServerOS     generic
erswta      NetVar_ServerOS     -n NetVar_ServerOS -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_DI1       generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_DI1       -n NetVar_Inspection_D1 -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_DI2       generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_DI2       -n NetVar_Inspection_D2 -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_DI3       generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_DI3       -n NetVar_Inspection_D3 -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_DI4       generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_DI4       -n NetVar_Inspection_D4 -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_AI1       generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_AI1       -n NetVar_Inspection_A1 -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_AI2       generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_AI2       -n NetVar_Inspection_A2 -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_VI        generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_VI        -n NetVar_Inspection_V -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_PAR1       generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_PAR1       -n NetVar_Inspection_PAR1 -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_Inspection_PAR2       generic
erswta      NetVar_Inspection_PAR2       -n NetVar_Inspection_PAR2 -t string
ersdefine   NetVar_HasBeenReset        generic
erswta      NetVar_HasBeenReset        -n NetVar_HasBeenReset -t int
ersdefine   NetVar_HasBeenRestored        generic
erswta      NetVar_HasBeenRestored        -n NetVar_HasBeenRestored -t int
ersdefine   NetVar_HasBeenSetup        generic
erswta      NetVar_HasBeenSetup        -n NetVar_HasBeenSetup -t int
ersdefine   VXI.TraceMode        generic
erswta      VXI.TraceMode        -n TraceMode -t int
ersdefine   VXI.ContinueRegardless        generic
erswta      VXI.ContinueRegardless        -n ContinueRegardless -t int
Sample /MIDAS/config/VXI/n1vxi1

module RM1  slot 0
module TDR32V0  slot 6
module ECC#0  slot 4
    detector ECC0 channel 1
    detector ECC1 channel 2

The last is the layout of VXI modules in the specific crate and can be created from the VXI GUI.

It will be necessary to create an experiment specific to the installation to access the VXI crate

A suitable apparatus file might be
   ((name vxi2)
    (host n1vxi2)
    (role VXI)
    (type register)
    (ipaddress 123456)
    (port 10220))

   ((name vxi2)
    (host n1vxi2)
    (role rmhist)
    (type spectrum)
    (ipaddress 123456)
    (port 10230))
Samples of all these files can be found in the /MIDAS/Samples/ directory which is obtained if you download the Samples package.

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