MIDAS Beta and Test software download and installation

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Installation of MIDAS Data Acquisition

Last updated on February 02 2000

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This beta release of the software is for VxWorks only. It contains a task to setup and read data from the D2VB (or F2VB) module. There is also a task to setup and control a hawk ethernet interface. The D2VBexec task passes data to the hawk task which transmits via the ethernet to the MIDAS tape server.
The VxWorks software file is a complete tar archive and includes the source files of the d2vb and hawk tasks made for the MVME147. The object files are in this archive but are now also included in the full release of the Vxworks package.


The following instructions assume that the base of your MIDAS installation is /MIDAS.
The files hawk.o and D2VBexec.o are in the standard release of the VxWorks package. However they can also be obtained from the source archive. Unpack the Data_Acq_020200.tar.gz archive and copy the Data_Acq/hawk.o file to /MIDAS/obj/hawk.o and the Data_Acq/D2VBexec.o to /MIDAS/obj/D2VBexec.o.
Modify the VxWorks startup.cmd file for your event builder system to look like this:

cd "/MIDAS/obj"
ld < rdwr.o
ld < message.o
ld < register-server.o
ld < registers.o

ld < ersconfig.o
ld < generic.o
ld < VME.o

taskDelay 100  /* we seem to need a pause before starting the register server */

/* start the register server */
ersInstall "vme", "/MIDAS/config/null"
taskDelay 200
ersconfig "/MIDAS/vxi/registers_defn"
taskDelay 200 

#    data acquisiton from D2VB/F2VB
ld < hawk.o
Hawk_Ram_Addr = 0x40400000
hawkInstall "", ""  /* IP addresses   Event Builder ,  TapeServer on the data network */

taskDelay 250

ld < D2VBexec.o

The VME base address of the HAWK ethernet buffer RAM is defined by the statement Hawk_Ram_Addr = 0x40400000 (This is the default value in the software). The VME base addresses of the D2VB module are 0xe00000 (A24 space) and 0x1000000 (A32 space). These cannot be changed without recompiling the D2VBexec module (they are defined in the d2vb.h file).
The IP addresses are the addresses of the event builder system and the tape server system on the data network. Note that these are the IP addresses on the data network and not the IP addresses which the system is normally accessed by. In the case of the Tape Server it is now possible to use the primary ethernet interface if a second interface dedicated to the data network is not available. In this case only the Tape Server IP address is the same as used for normal accesses to the system.

The VxWorks event builder system has a register server for VME access and program control. This requires an apparatus file of the form:

   ((name vme)
    (host xxx)
    (role vme)
    (type register)
    (ipaddress 123456)
    (port 10220))


There are test facilities built into both the D2VBexec task and the hawk task. These both permit test data to be generated.

Testing with data generated within the Hawk task.

1) Using the MIDAS GUI mount and open a tape file
2) Set the Server state: choice to Go from the Tape Control window.
3) On the VxWorks console enter the command


You will get 1 block per second. You can control the rate by again from the Vxworks console

Default is 60. This is number of 1/60 sec ticks between blocks. So n=6 will generate 10 blocks/sec.
You can also run this test without a tape server. In this case omit steps (1) and (2). On the VxWorks console enter the command
4) To stop on the VxWorks console enter the commands

Testing with data generated within the D2VBexec task.

1) Using the MIDAS GUI Mount and open a tape file
2) Set the Server state: choice to Go from the Tape Control window.
3) On the VxWorks console enter the commands


You will get 1 block per second. You can control the rate by again from the Vxworks console

Default is 60. This is number of 1/60 sec ticks between blocks. So n=6 will generate 10 blocks/sec.
You can also run this test without a tape server. In this case omit steps (1) and (2). On the VxWorks console enter the command
4) To stop on the VxWorks console enter the commands

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