Gettting the code: GANIL branch (most advanced and up-to-date => recommanded ) svn co (includes EXOGAM ancillary and ADC=Agata Double Cluster) or GSI branch (not up-to-date - ADC included but EXOGAM, FATIMA, PARIS, LYCCA not included ...) svn co (inlcudes MINIBALL and ADC) or for every branches, including "original" code (in agata/trunk/): svn co Also External event generators are available here: svn co Compilation with cmake: In the trunk/ Directory. First Create a build/ directory and go there: mkdir build cg build Once in this new directory, type: cmake ../ make SOME WARNING WILL APPEAR DURING COMPILATION (THOSE REMAINS TO BE REMOVED.) BUT IT SHOULD COMPILE, LINK AND CREATE THE Agata EXECUTABLE. Running the code from the trunk directory: ./build/Agata -h : TO DISPLAY OPTIONS ./build/Agata : TO OPEN A QT SESSION ./build/Agata -noQT : TO RUN WITHOUT QT VISUALISATION TOOL