A- For Geant4: Method 1: - Download and install the GEANT4 Virtual machine from https://heberge.cenbg.in2p3.fr/G4VM/index.html (recommanded: geant4.10.05) Method 2: - fetch and unpack geant4 from GEANT4 web site (http://geant4.cern.ch/) (recommended Geant4.10.05) (to some directory, called geant4_source_dir below) - make a build directory, geant4_build_dir (should be outside of geant4_source_dir) - Important: Install geant4 with the gdml support by setting GEANT4_USE_GDML to ON (OFF by default, requires Xerces-C to be installed). cd geant4_build_dir cmake -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON -DGEANT4_USE_GDML=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=geant4_install_dir geant4_source_dir make -j2 make install (cmake above will also fetch and install geant4 "data" files. The installation will end up in geant4_install_dir.) B- For Agata: For developpers uploading all branches: - fetch and unpack AGATA to a directory of your choice with the command svn co http://npg.dl.ac.uk/svn/agata or svn co http://nnsa.dl.ac.uk/svn/agata - To compile, go to either the directory: yourDirectory/agata/trunk or yourDirectory/agata/branches/GANIL/trunk or yourDirectory/agata/branches/GSI/b_event_builder/trunk - create a build/ directory - Run cmake with the following option: cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/usr/local/geant4.10.03/lib64/Geant4-10.3.0 ../" command from the build/ directory. - Then run: make C- For Ext_generators/Evtgen. this create an exteranl event file. gsl library are needed to compile the program. This should be avaible in the Virtual Machine (section A- Method 1), otherwise it need to be install in your system. See HowTo and readme file for more information D- OFT/MGT See readme files in analysis/mgt and trunk/analysis/oft in the trunk/ folders in the svn branch you're working in.