Event-by-Event Data Output Format

Version 2.0 - May 1997
Version 2.1 - Oct 4 1998
Version 3.0 - Dec 7 1998
Version 3.1 - Aug 7 1999
Version 3.2 - Mar 23 2000


Nuclear Physics Group, Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
Daresbury Laboratory

Euroball Event-by-Event data output format

The Euroball event-by-event data tape files consist of a number of data blocks. Each data block in the file has the same fixed length. Individual events have a variable length and are packed into the data blocks with a minima amount of padding at the end of each block.

Data Block Header

The data block header identifies the type of data block (ie normal data, configuration data, comment) and also contains other information such as source of the data.
The data block header is 32 bytes in length.

data block header format

        bytes 0-7               block type
        bytes 8-11              sequence number
        bytes 12-13             source (host)
        bytes 14-15             source (id)
        bytes 16-17             physical tape device (host)
        bytes 18-19             physical tape device (port)
        bytes 20-21             format of data
        bytes 22-23             reserved
        bytes 24-27             reserved
        bytes 28-31             actual length of data in the block

block type

The block type identifies the format of data which follows in the block. The following block types are currently defined.

        EBEVENTD                normal Euroball formatted event data
        EBCONFIG                configuration data block
        EBINFODA                information (comment) data block

Format of data for blocks of type EBEVENTD

Programs designed to process Euroball event-by-event data tapes MUST check the block type field to ensure that the block type is EBEVENTD.

Each event starts with an Event Header which is either 4,6,8 or 10 bytes in length. All data elements within the event structure are defined in units of 16 bit words and hence the Event Header is aligned on a 16 bit boundary with respect to the start of the data block.
The data format is defined only in terms of 16 bit data words and thus data alignment is only on 16 bit boundaries.
Throughout this document bit 0 refers to the most significant bit of the 16 bit data words and bit 15 refers to the least significant bit of the data word.

Start Event Token

The Start Event Token is a single 16 bit data word which marks the start of the event and defines the format of the initial fixed part of the event.

12 bits = 0xfff 4 bits

The most significant 12 bits of the Start Event Token are set to 1 bits.

The Event Format Type is a 4 bit field which identifies the format of the event which follows. Currently only the following values are defined:

0 event number field and error pattern fields are NOT present
1 event number field is present but error pattern field is NOT present
2 event number field is NOT present but error pattern field is present
3 event number field and error pattern fields are both present

Other event format types are reserved for possible use in the future if new detector types make the current formats inefficient.

Event Length

The Event Length is the length (in bytes) of the whole event INCLUDING the Start Event Token and itself. Thus it is possible to step from one event to the next in the data block by adding the contents of the Event Length to the address of the start of the current event (the address of the current Start Event Token).

16 bits
event length

Note - The Start Event Token most significant 12 bits are all one bits. However this is not unique since the Event Number following (if present) will also from time to time have the most significant 12 bits set. However in practice this is the only possible source of confusion.

Error Pattern

This is an optional item which is only present if the Event Format Type = 2 or 3.
It contains a code generated by the event processing software which indicates the status of this event. The code will be zero for an event in which no abnormal data has been detected. Non zero codes will be used to mark events which may contain abnormal information.(These error codes are to be supplied).
The default event processing option is that all potentially faulty events are suppressed and hence the Error Pattern item is only useful if event processing options are selected which enable the output of events which may contain faulty data.

Event Number

This is an optional item which is only present if the Event Format Type = 1 or 3. It contains the event number as generated by the readout electronics and used by the merging software to construct the event from the data fragments received from the various data sources. This is a 32 bit number which is however stored in the event as 2 16 bit words with the most significant 16 bits stored first and the least significant 16 bits stored last.

16 bits
event number (most significant half)

16 bits
event number (least significant half)

After the Event Header follows a variable number of Detector Data Items. There will be one Detector Data Item for each detector in the event.

Only defined at present is the format of Detector Data Items for Event Format Types 0 to 3.

Each Detector Data Item starts with a Detector Data Item Header followed by Detector Data specified by the format supplied for the Detector Family. The Detector Data Item consists only of 16 bit data words and is aligned on a 16 bit boundary.

It is essential that the detector formats used to process and format the raw data are available in order to fully decode the detector data. These formats will eventually form part of the configuration data block written to each tape file.

Each Detector Data Item starts with a Detector Data Item Header which can be either 2,4,6 or 8 bytes in length. This contains a detector identification field followed optionally by length field and hit pattern field.

Detector Data Item Header

7 bits
detector family
9 bits
detector id

The Detector Data Item Header always starts with a 16 bit data word (Detector Specifier) which specifies the detector for this Detector Data Item. It is initially composed of two fields which specify the Detector Family (that is the class or type of detector) and the Detector Id.

Detector Family

The Detector Family is the most significant 7 bits of the Detector Specifier.
The Detector Family is defined using the following bit field allocation.

2 bits
format code
5 bits
detector code

Format code

The 2 most significant bits are a Format Code for the Detector Family and is the total number of 16 bit data words in the following part of the Detector Data Item Header.

The Format Code has the following values

0 NO Hit Pattern or Data Fragment Length follows
the total length of the Detector Data Item Header is 2 bytes
1 A Data Fragment Length follows but there is NO Hit Pattern
the total length of the Detector Data Item Header is 4 bytes
2 A Data Fragment Length follows and there is 1 16 bit Hit Pattern word
the total length of the Detector Data Item Header is 6 bytes
3 A Data Fragment Length follows and there are 2 16 bit Hit Pattern words
the total length of the Detector Data Item Header is 8 bytes

Detector Code

The next 5 bits is the Detector Code for this Detector Family. Each Detector type has a family code and the family code defines the format type for the Detector Data Item Header.

The following Detector Codes are currently defined

        header                          =  0
        Cluster detectors               =  1
        Clover detectors                =  2
        Tapered detectors (Eurogam I)   =  3
        Cluster detectors  (full)       =  4
        Ancillary (VXI)                 =  5
        Ancillary (fera)                =  6
        Master Trigger                  =  7
        VRE modules (VXI ReadOut)       =  8
        BGO Inner Ball (raw data)       =  9
        BGO Inner Ball (Sum)            =  10
        VXI diagnostic                  =  11
        User defined                    =  12
        Total Ge energy                 =  13

and the corresponding Format Codes are

        header                          =  1
        Cluster detectors               =  2
        Clover detectors                =  2
        Tapered detectors (Eurogam I)   =  2
        Cluster detectors (full)        =  3
        Ancillary (VXI)                 =  0
        Ancillary (fera)                =  0
        Master Trigger                  =  0
        VRE modules (VXI ReadOut)       =  0
        BGO Inner Ball (raw data)       =  0
        BGO Inner Ball (Sum)            =  0
        VXI diagnostic                  =  0
        User defined                    =  1
        Total Ge energy                 =  0

Hence the Detector Family fields are

        header                          =  0x20
        Cluster detectors               =  0x41
        Clover detectors                =  0x42
        Tapered detectors (Eurogam I)   =  0x43
        Cluster detectors (full)        =  0x64
        Ancillary (VXI)                 =  0x05
        Ancillary (fera)                =  0x06
        Master Trigger                  =  0x07
        VRE modules (VXI ReadOut)       =  0x08
        BGO Inner Ball (raw data)       =  0x09
        BGO Inner Ball (Sum)            =  0x0a
        VXI diagnostic                  =  0x0b
        User defined                    =  0x2c
        Total Ge energy                 =  0x0d

Future detectors will be assigned a unique Detector Code and one of the 4 Format Codes.

The currently available detectors and their corresponding family codes are held in a NEO++ header file (/euroball/src/neo/include/global.h on the server sbgeb09.in2p3.fr).

[Note in explanation: Cluster detectors will use Detector Family = 0x64 when the detector data includes individual BGO crystal information and thus requires 2 hit pattern words (full) but will use Detector Family = 0x41 when only the BGO sum channel information is required and thus only 1 hit pattern word is needed]

The Detector Code 31 will NOT be assigned which will ensure that the Detector Data Item Header cannot be confused for a Start Event Token.

For event decoding purposes the Detector Family can be taken and a switch made to specific code for each detector family. However this will require additional code added for each new detector family. An alternative would be to use only the Format Code since all new detectors will use one of these.

The width of the Detector Code field allows for a maximum of 31 detector types.

Detector Id

The least significant 9 bits of the Detector Specifier is the Detector Id for this Detector Data Item. It is the index of the particular detector in its family and will be the same as the digit component of the detector name.

The width of this field allows for a maximum of 512 detectors in each family.

For example the detector Cluster8 will have Detector Family = 0x41 (Detector Code = 1 and Format Code = 2) and Detector Id = 8.

Data Fragment Length

16 bits
data fragment length

The Data Fragment Length is the length (in bytes) of this Detector Data Item INCLUDING the Detector Data Item Header. Thus it is possible to step from one data fragment (the data from one detector) to the next within the current event by adding the contents of the Data Fragment Length to the address of the start of the current data fragment (the address of the current Detector Data Item Header). The Data Fragment Length is omitted if the Format Code = 0. In this case the length of the data fragment is determined by the format supplied for the Detector Family and is thus fixed for all data fragments for this Detector Family.

Hit Pattern

There may be 0, 1 or 2 16 bit Hit Pattern words. The number of Hit Pattern words is determined by the value of the Format Code and thus is determined by the Detector Family. Only detector families which are defined by a format which uses the sub-detector feature (that is normally segmented detectors) require a Hit Pattern.

        Tapered detectors (Eurogam I)   =  1 word (16 bits)
        Clover detectors                =  1 word (16 bits)
        Cluster detectors(full)         =  2 words (32 bits)
        Cluster detectors               =  1 word (16 bits)

The bits of the Hit Pattern are used to indicate the presence of data from the sub-detectors defined within the detector. The order of sub-detector data in the Detector Data is the order of bits set in the Hit Pattern starting from the LEAST significant end of the Hit Pattern. Each sub-detector generates one or more 16 bit data words as defined by the format for the sub-detector.

Following the Detector Data Item Header are a variable number of 16 bit data words as defined by the Data Fragment Length (unless the Data Fragment Length is omitted in which case a fixed number of 16 bit data words follow).

The order of data words is determined by the order in the format which defines the detector. In the case of data items for which there is a Hit Pattern an item in the supplied format is only present in the Detector Data if its corresponding bit is set in the Hit Pattern.

The Detector Data Item structure is repeated as many times as is required for the event.

WARNING - The contents of the Detector Data is defined by the formats (NEO++ statements) used to define the detectors and sub-detectors. The examples which follow are realistic and are used to show how detector data and the detector data item hit pattern are built. However any change in the formats will result in a change to the formatted data generated.

The detector and sub-detector formats are typically defined in the NEO++ header file event.h which is included during the compilation of NEO++ programs. Standard versions of event.h are available and should be modified only with extreme care.

Cluster Detector Data

The Cluster detector family (detector family 0x41) has a detector format of the form:

                Detector<Cluster,CLUSTER> cluster;

The Cluster detector (which has 7 Ge crystals) has a format of the form

                format (Cluster)
                        ClusterGe               ge[7];

if only data from the Ge crystals is required; and has format of the form

                format (Cluster)
                        ClusterGe               ge[7];
                        ClusterBGOSum           bgo;

if data from both the Ge crystals and the BGO shield sum channel is required.

The sub-detector ClusterGe has format of the form

                sub-detector (ClusterGe)
                        item_q                  e20Mev;
                        item_q                  e4Mev;
                        item                    ft;

[Note in explanation: The keyword item defines a normal 16 bit data word and the keyword item_q defines a data word in which the q bits from the hardware address label are copied to the most significant 3 bits of the 16 bit data word. For item_q the most significant bit (bit 0) of the data word is zero; bit 1 contains the q0 bit and bit 2 contains the q1 bit. The remaining 13 bits contain the ADC data. This feature is normally only used for energy data items from Ge detectors.]

The sub-detector ClusterBGOSum has a format of the form

                sub-detector (ClusterBGOSum)
                        item                    energy;
                        item                    timing;
                        item                    patternmsh;
                        item                    patternlsh;

In both cases the bits of the hit pattern are allocated with the least significant bit (bit 15) being used to indicate the presence of detector data from Ge sub-detector A through to bit 9 being used to indicate the presence of detector data from Ge sub-detector G (that is in total 7 bits).
If the ClusterBGOSum sub-detector is included in the Cluster detector format then bit 8 will be used to indicate the presence of detector data from the BGO Sum channel.

Cluster Detector Data (full)

The Cluster (full) detector family (detector family 0x64) has a detector format of the form:

                Detector<Cluster_full,CLUSTER_FULL> cluster_full;

The Cluster_full detector has a format of the form

                format (Cluster_full)
                        ClusterGe               ge[7];
                        ClusterBGOSum           bgosum[1];
                        ClusterBGO              bgo[19];

The sub-detector ClusterBGO has a format of the form

                sub-detector (ClusterBGO)
                        item                    energy;
                        item                    timing;

This detector family requires 2 hit pattern words.
The hit pattern bits are allocated with the least significant bit (bit 15) of the first hit pattern word being used to indicate the presence of detector data from Ge sub-detector A through to bit 9 being used to indicate the presence of detector data from Ge sub-detector G (that is in total 7 bits).
Bit 8 of the first hit pattern word will be used to indicate the presence of detector data from the BGO Sum channel.
Bit 7 of the first hit pattern word will be used to indicate the presence of detector data from BGO sub-detector A through to bit 0 (the most significant bit) of the first hit pattern word being used to indicate the presence of detector data from BGO sub-detector H. The least significant bit (bit 15) of the second hit pattern word will be used to indicate the presence of detector data from BGO sub-detector I through to bit 6 being used to indicate the presence of detector data from BGO sub-detector R.

Clover Detector Data

The Clover detector family (detector family 0x42) has a detector format of the form:

                Detector<Clover,CLOVER> clover;

The Clover detector has a format of the form

                format (Clover)
                        CloverGe          ge[4];

if only data from the Ge crystals is required; and has a format of the form

                format (Clover)
                        CloverGe          ge[4];
                        BGO               bgo;

if data from both the Ge crystals and the BGO shield sum channel is required.

The sub-detector CloverGe has a format of the form

                sub-detector (CloverGe)
                        item_q                  e20Mev;
                        item_q                  e4Mev;
                        item                    ft;
                        dummy_item              co;
The sub-detector CloverBGO has a format of the form
                sub-detector (CloverBGO)
                        item                    energy;
                        item                    timing;
                        item                    pattern;

[Note in explanation: The keyword item defines a normal 16 bit data word and the keyword dummy_item defines a hardware data word for which readout is not enabled and which is to be omitted from the formatted output data. If a hardware data word is not enabled but the keyword item is used then a zero data word would be inserted at the appropriate place in the formatted output data.]

The bits of the hit pattern are allocated with the least significant bit (bit 15) being used to indicate the presence of detector data from Ge sub-detector A through to bit 12 being used to indicate the presence of detector data from Ge sub-detector D (that is in total 4 bits). If the CloverBGO sub-detector is included in the Clover detector format then bit 11 will be used to indicate the presence of detector data from the BGO channel.

Tapered Detector Data

The Tapered detector has a format of the form

                format (Tapered)
                        Ge                ge[1];

if only data from the Ge crystals is required; and has a format of the form

                format (Tapered)
                        Ge                ge[1];
                        BGO               bgo;

if data from both the Ge crystals and the BGO shield sum channel is required.

The sub-detector Ge has a format of the form

                sub-detector (Ge)
                        item_q                  e20Mev;
                        item_q                  e4Mev;
                        item                    ft;
                        dummy_item              co;
The sub-detector BGO has a format of the form
                sub-detector (BGO)
                        item                    energy;
                        item                    timing;
                        item                    pattern;

The bits of the hit pattern are allocated with the least significant bit (bit 15) being used to indicate the presence of detector data from the Ge detector and bit 14 being used to indicate the presence of detector data from the BGO shield.

BGO Inner Ball Data (raw data)

The BGO Inner Ball Raw detector family (detector family 0x09) will have a detector format of the form:

                Detector<BgoBallRaw,BGOBALLRAW> bgoballraw;
The BgoBallRaw detector has a format of the form
                format (BgoBallRaw)
                        item                    energy;
                        item                    pattern;
                        item                    timing;

This format does not use sub-detectors and the Detector Data Item does not contain a Hit Pattern. All items defined by the detector format (3 in the above example) appear in the detector data.

BGO Inner Ball Data (sum data)

The BGO Inner Ball detector family (detector family 0x0a) will have a detector format of the form:

                Detector<BgoBall,BGOBALL> bgoball;
The BgoBall detector has a format of the form
                format (BgoBall)
                        item                    energy;
                        item                    multiplicity;

This detector data does not include a Data Fragment Length or Hit Pattern. The length of the detector data is implied by the detector format for this detector family (2 words in the above example).

The energy data item is the sum of all energy data items received in the input BGO Inner Ball Raw detectors. The multiplicity data item is a count of the number of bits set in all of the pattern data items received in the input BGO Inner Ball Raw detectors.
There is a single detector in this family; hence the detector id will always be zero.

[Note in explanation: The 105 elements of the BGO Inner Ball will be connected in groups of 10 to the channels of Eurogam I BGO VXI cards. The electronics will sum the energy of these groups of channels and output a single (sum) energy. In most cases the only required output from the electronics is the total sum energy from all 105 elements and the number of elements which contributed to the total.]

Master Trigger

The Master Trigger detector family (detector family 0x07) will have a detector format of the form:

                Detector<MasterTrigger,MASTER_TRIGGER> mastertrigger;
The Master Trigger detector has a format of the form
                format (MasterTrigger)
                        item                    SumBus1;
                        item                    SumBus2;
                        item                    SumBus3;
                        item                    SumBus4;
                        item                    TAC;
                        item                    Pattern;
                        item                    EvNumLSB;
                        item                    EvNumMSB;

This detector data does not include a Data Fragment Length or Hit Pattern. The length of the detector data is implied by the detector format for this detector family (8 words in the above example).
There is a single detector in this family; hence the detector id will always be zero.

[Note in explanation: - the use of dummy_item in place of item in the above format would cause that particular item to be skipped. The data item is not expected in the input data (and readout should be disabled in the hardware) and is not included in the output data stream.]

Ancillary VXI Detectors

The Ancillary VXI detector family (detector family 0x05) will have a detector format of the form (using the Saphir VXI card as an example):

                Detector<Saphir,ANCILLARY_VXI> saphir;
The Saphir detector has a format of the form
                format (Saphir)
                        item                    energy;
                        item                    timing;

This detector data does not include a Data Fragment Length or Hit Pattern. The length of the detector data is implied by the detector format for this detector family (2 words in the above example).

Total Germanium Energy

The TotalGe detector family (detector family 0x0d) will have a detector format of the form:

                Detector<TotalGe,TOTAL_GE> total_ge;
The TotalGe detector has a format of the form
                format (TotalGe)
                        item                    energy;

This detector data does not include a Data Fragment Length or Hit Pattern.
There is a single detector in this family; hence the detector id will always be zero.
The length of the detector data is implied by the detector format for this detector family (1 word in the above example).


There is no End Event Token since the total length of the event is available in the Start Event Token.

Events are packed into the data block until there is insufficient room for the next event to fit totally into the current data block. Events are complete within a data block and will not span data blocks.

The end of events in a data block is marked by a special Event Header having the following format.

End Data Block Token

16 bits = 0xfff1 16 bits = 0x0000

This is equivalent to a Event Header for an event of length = 0 and no Event Number.