Querying widget options

Once created the value of some of the options specified for the widget may be 
queried. This is particularly useful for checking the current contents of user 
alterable widgets as it avoids the necessity of using the widget's click 
procedure to store the value in a global variable.

			:query		name	argument
	argument defines which option value is to be returned from the widget 
known by name.
The options that can be queried are determined by the type of widget. Unless 
specified otherwise the definition of the procedure which created the widget 
should be referenced for a definition of the arguments.

	Widget type	frame
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:w		number
			:h		number
			:busy		T|F	see footer description

	Widget type	panel
	arguments			returned value
			:w		number
			:h		number

	Widget type	button
	arguments			returned value
			:busy		T|F	T when button shows sunken
			:label		string

	Widget type	text
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:w		number
			:value		string

	Widget type	list
	arguments			returned value
			:strings	list
			:selected	list
			:selstrings	list
	:selected returns the indices of the currently selected (highlighted) list entries.
	:selstrings returns the strings in the currently selected (highlighted) list entries.

	Widget type	galley
	arguments			returned value
			:strings	list

	Widget type	message
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string

	Widget type	checkbox
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:value		0/1

	Widget type	number
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:min		value
			:max		value
			:value		value

	Widget type	gauge
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:value		value
			:min		value
			:max		value
			:min-tick-value	value
			:max-tick-value	value

	Widget type	slider
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:value		value
			:min		value
			:max		value

	Widget type	menubutton
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:rows		value
			:strings	list
			:menu		list

	Widget type	optionbutton
	arguments			returned value
			:strings/:menu	list
			:label /:string	string
			:value		value
	:label returns the currently showing label. i.e. the string that is the current option item. :string is an alias for :label.
	:value returns the index of the current option item within the option list.

	Widget type	choice
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:value		value
			:string/:strings	string/list
	:string (or :strings) returns the string or a list of strings 
corresponding to the current value of the widget. If :exclusive is True a single 
string is always returned. If :exclusIve is False a list of strings can be 
returned. :strings is simply an alias for :string but looks more meaningful in a 
script where :exclusive is False.

	Widget type	choice-stack
	arguments			returned value
			:label		string
			:rows		value
			:strings	list
			:menu		list
			:value		value
			:string		string
	:string returns the string from the choice menu whose index is the current 
value of the widget.

	Widget type	canvas
	arguments			returned value
			:w		number
			:h		number