                        :draw           object

Creates an item of type object on the current canvas. object should be one of
the following: arc, bitmap, image, line, oval, polygon, rectangle, text,window.

The :draw procedure may have a number of arguments however none of
these is mandatory.

                        :colour         string
        string is the colour to be used when drawing the current object. It is
used to configure the object using the -fill option.
        e.g.    :colour red

                        :text                   string
        string is the text to be used when drawing the current object. It is used
to configure the object using the -text option.
        e.g.    :text “hello word”

                        :tag                    name
        name is used to configure the object using the -tags option

                        :arrow          string
        string is used to configure the object using the -arrow option. string
should have one of the values; none, first,last or both.

                        :delete         T
        The tag specified by a previous :tag argument is to be deleted.
        e.g.    :draw   text   :tag l0   :delete T

                        :value                  list
        list are items to be used when creating the object. All arguments
remaining in the procedure call are used in this way and so :value must be
the last argument.
        e.g.    :draw  line  :value 20 0 20 10
This argument provides a way by which any selection of options can be supplied to configure
the object.
        e.g.    :draw  arc  :value 10 10 30 40 -extent 45 -outline blue