\documentstyle[12pt,a4]{article} \title{Tape format } \author{G.Zehnacker} \date{Edition 1.0\\Octobre 1990} \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} { \hoffset=1truein \hsize=5.25truein \vsize=10.25truein \font\small=cmssbx10 at 14.4truept \font\medium=cmssbx10 at 17.28truept \font\large=cmssbx10 at 20.74truept \hrule height 0pt \parindent=0pt %\parskip=0pt \hskip 3.9truein \large EDOC108\par \vskip .5truein \large Projet EUROGAM\par \vskip 1.5truein \hrule height 2pt \vskip 20pt \large Tape format\par \vskip .5truein \small standard eurogam\par \vskip 20pt \hrule height 2pt \vskip 1truein \medium Edition 1.4\par \vskip 3pt 18 janvier 1991\par \vfill \small G.ZEHNACKER\par \vskip 30pt \medium SATD du Centre de Recherches Nucl\'{e}aires \par \vskip 5pt CNRS-IN2P3 France\par \vskip 5pt } \end{titlepage} \section{Introduction} The 'Tape Standard' for 'Eurogam ' is based on the ANSI standard . We propose it with the variable format D and the special structured data block . \section{Volume and file header label} The blocks VOL1, HDR1, HDR2, EOF1 , EOF2 and data file blocks should be written by the Data Acquisition software or by others softwares ( which save or restore data on/from the tape from/to memory or disk ). Other labels defined by the standards ( as UHLn and UTLn) should not be used.' \subsection{general structure } \begin{itemize} \item a initialised tape contains : \item VOL1 ** \item a tape with files contains: : \item VOL1 HDR1 HDR2 * --- file --- * EOF1 EOF2 ** \end{itemize} nota1 : the file is definited later nota2 : * represents a 'tape mark' \subsection{block structure} \paragraph{'Volume label' VOL1} \begin{itemize} \item1-4 : identifier set to VOL1 \item5-10 : volume name(6 characters) \item11-37 : spaces \item38-51 : user name( 14 characters ou spaces) \item52-79 : spaces \item80 : version 3 of the standard norme \end{itemize} \paragraph{'file header 1' set to HDR1} \begin{itemize} \item1-4 : identifierHDR1 \item5-21 : file name ( 1 a 8 characters ) \item22-27 : the volume name ( the same as in VOL1 \item28-31 : 0001 ( in ASCII ) \item32-35 : file number ; begin with 1 then increase 1 with each file \item36-39 : generation number 0001 \item40-41 : version number set to 0 \item42-47 : date file creation ' yyddd' ('yy' is the year , 'ddd ' day number \item48-54 : spaces \item55-60 : 000000 \item61-73 : system code spaces \item74-80 : spaces \end{itemize} \paragraph{'file header 2' HDR2} \begin{itemize} \item1-4 : identifier set to HDR2 \item5 : variable format = D \item6-10 : maximun number of characters per blocks; 8192 bytes \item11-15 : length record - should be same as block length ( 8192 bytes) \item16-50 : spaces \item51-52 : set to 00 \item53-80 : spaces \end{itemize} \paragraph{'end file header 1' EOF1} \begin{itemize} \item1-4 : identifier set to EOF1 \item5-54 : same that HDR1 \item55-60 : number of blocks in the file ( between 2 tapes marks ) \item61-80 : spaces \end{itemize} \paragraph{'end file header 2' set to EOF2} \begin{itemize} \item1-4 : end file header 2 EOF2 \item5 -80 : same that HDR2 \end{itemize} \subsection{'data block structure } the blocks allow to : \begin{itemize} \item 1-4 : block length in ASCII less than or equal 8192 bytes \item 5-12 : type of data bloc : FILEH,EVENTH,EVENTD,SPECTH,SPECTD,COMMENT \item 13-20 : block counter in ASCII \item 21-end : the specific 'data' \end{itemize} A data file allow every kind of blocks . \paragraph{'type of data bloc'}: \begin{itemize} \item FILEH for file definition \item COMMENT for comments, \item SCALER for scaling counter, \item PARAM for different parameters, \item EVENTH for events header, \item EVENTD for events data \item SPECTH for spectrum header \item SPECTD for spectrum data \end{itemize} \paragraph{'data block'} \begin{itemize} \item a file can contain every spectra with different length \item the events blocks must be defined \item one logical block in one physical block \item for exabyte the length must be 8192 bytes \end{itemize} \section{Other general proposals} \begin{itemize} \item the file must be monovolume \item each ascii field are padded with trailing space \item empty field must be filled with spaces \item to decrease the number of tape marks on exabyte , we propose to save many spectra in one file \end{itemize} \end{document}