\documentstyle[11pt,a4wide]{article} \hyphenation{euro-gam} \def\EG{EuroGam} \def\VW{VxWorks} \def\T#1{\hbox{\tt #1}} \def\N#1{\hbox{\rm #1}} \def\nt#1{\hbox{\sf #1}} \def\lb{\hbox{\it [}} \def\rb{\hbox{\it ]}} \def\signed#1#2{{\unskip\nobreak\hfil\penalty50 \hskip2em\hbox{}\nobreak\hfil#1\quad#2 \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0 \par}} % TeXBook, p106 \title{EuroGam Software Installation Manual} \author{David Brightly} \date{Edition 1.0\\November 1991} \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} % a front or cover page for EG docs suitable for inclusion inside % a titlepage environment in a LaTeX document % for use with Plain TeX uncomment the \nopagenumbers and the \eject \hoffset=.5in \hsize=5.25in \vsize=10.25in %---gives left and right margins of 1.5in \font\small=cmssbx10 scaled \magstep2 \font\medium=cmssbx10 scaled \magstep3 \font\large=cmssbx10 scaled \magstep4 %\nopagenumbers \hrule height 0pt \parindent=0pt %\parskip=0pt \hskip 3.9in \large EDOC095\par \vskip .5in \large EUROGAM PROJECT\par \vskip 1.5in \hrule height 2pt \vskip 20pt \large NSF DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM\par \vskip .5in \baselineskip 25pt Eurogam Software Installation\par \vskip 20pt \hrule height 2pt \vskip 1in \medium Edition 1.0\par \vskip 5pt November 1991\par \vfill \medium NSF Software Systems Group\par \vskip 5pt UK Science and Engineering Research Council\par \vskip 5pt Daresbury Laboratory\par \vskip .5in %\eject \end{titlepage} \maketitle \section{Introduction} %---------------------------- This document explains the {\em production\/} file system organisation supporting the \EG\ data acquisition system at DL.\@ It does not cover the organisation of {\em source\/} files. The structure outlined here assumes that \VW-based systems and discless workstations are all supported by a single file server system. \section{\VW\ systems} \subsection{Booting \VW} The organisation of \VW\ boot-time files is constrained by the desire to keep processor NVRAM boot parameters as constant as possible while retaining flexible control over the content of the downloaded software. All the files needed to boot \VW\ systems are found in a directory structure rooted at {\tt /vw/boot} on the server {\tt nnsa}. Each target system takes its kernel image from the file \begin{quote} {\tt /vw/boot/{\it target\/}/vxWorks} \end{quote} and its startup script from the file \begin{quote} {\tt /vw/boot/{\it target\/}/startup.cmd} \end{quote} Hence the NVRAM of the target {\tt nnvd} contains the following boot parameters: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} host name : nnsa file name : /vw/boot/nnvd/vxWorks startup script(s) : /vw/boot/nnvd/startup.cmd \end{verbatim} \end{quote} We have adopted the practice of using common kernels for each target architecture type. Usually each specific target's boot file is actually a symbolic link to a generic kernel for that target's architecture. Thus, in the directory {\tt /vw/boot/{\em target\/}} we have the link \begin{quote} {\tt vxWorks -> ../{\em architecture}/vxWorks} \end{quote} For example, {\tt nnvd} being an MVME147 system we have in {\tt /vw/boot/nnvd} \begin{quote} {\tt vxWorks -> ../mv147/vxWorks} \end{quote} The \VW\ boot machinery supports booting through a symbolic link so in practice we can have the link \begin{quote} {\tt vw -> /export2/vw} \end{quote} in {\tt nnsa}'s root directory. \subsection{Loading application code} Once \VW\ is running in a target there is considerably more flexibility in determining what further software is downloaded since each target can NFS-mount whatever remote directory structures it needs. Each target's startup script selects what role the target plays within the \EG\ system by loading a target-specific set of object modules and starting target-specific tasks. We have adopted the convention of keeping \VW\ object modules in the common directory {\tt /vw/eg-obj} and tailoring each target by either loading target-specific data objects or by spawning tasks with target-specifc arguments. Thus the target {\tt nnvd} (the Resource Manager processor of a VXI crate) has the following fragment in its {\tt startup.cmd}: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} hostAdd ("egmsg", ""); /* currently nnsa */ nfsMount ("nnsa", "/vw", "/vw"); nfsMount ("nnsa", "/eg", "/eg"); iam "VxWorks" nfsAuthUnixSet ("nnvd", 14052, 14003, 0); /* id=VxWorks, grp=eurogam */ cd "/vw/eg-obj" ld /nfs/nnsa/export2/eg} \end{quote} \section{File server} This has to provide the {\tt /vw} and {\tt /eg} directories mentioned earlier. In practice these directories can actually be on some disc other then the root file system. On {\tt nnsa} we have a large partition mounted on {\tt /export2} containing all the production \EG-related material, but with symbolic links in the root directory: \begin{quote} {\tt vw -> /export2/vw} \\ {\tt eg -> /export2/eg} \end{quote} By convention, a \EG\ message logger running in the file server will be told to log messages into files in the directory \begin{quote} {\tt /eg/log} \end{quote} The directory must be present before the message logger is started. Executable programs can be put in directories anywhere convenient. We recommend putting all \EG-related binaries in the directory \begin{quote} {\tt /usr/local/egbin} \end{quote} also NSF-automounted by each discless client. % \begin{thebibliography}{99} % \bibitem{EGSS}{\em Eurogam Project: System Specification}, Pucknell et al, % Edition 1.0, May 1990. % \bibitem{Spivey}{\em The Z Notation---A Reference Manual}, J.M.Spivey, % ISBN~0--13--983768--X % \bibitem{NP}{\em Network Programming}, Sun Microsystems, % part number~ 800--1779--10, May 1988. % \bibitem{CD}{\em Distributed Systems---Concepts and Design}, Coulouris and % Dollimore, ISBN~0--201--18059--6 % \end{thebibliography} \end{document}