Sunsort write window

Sunsort write window
Write media
Select the appropriate write medium here.
Select the tape drive here. As on the main window, the names rst0..15 are historic, the devices on modern Suns are referred to as rmt/0..15. Sunsort knows this and will select the correct name for the system you are on - the only thing you have to get right is the number.
Write vol
Enter the volume name here if you're writing to tape. This needs to be set before you use the Mount or NewVol buttons.
Write file
Enter the name of the file to write to here.
Mounts or unmounts the named tape.
Opens or closes the named file.
Creates a new volume on the tape. This will erase any existing data on the tape.
Various informational messages will appear here from time to time.

Steven M. Singer
Last modified: Thu Sep 2 17:16:39 BST 1999