Sunsort tool window

Sunsort tool window

The fields and buttons in this window have the following effects:

Sort file
This field contains the name of the sort code to be compiled. It needs to be filled in for make and edit to work, but load will work quite happily without it.
Spec file
This field is only revealed if the bare sort option is specified. It should contain the name of the file with the spectrum definitions in. It's equivalent to the option after -xS in the makesort command line.
Edit buttons
These buttons will fire up an editor on the sort code or spectrum files as appropriate.
This allows you to select the editor to be used with the edit buttons. If the option other is selected then a text field will appear for you to enter the name of the editor.
Sort proc
This option specifies the name of the compiled sort code. It's equivalent to the option after -o in the makesort command.
This button compiles the sort code. It's equivalent the command makesort.
This button loads a compiled sort code
This button starts the debugger on a running sort code
This button kills a running sort code.
These options are equivalent to specifying debug, -xC, -xS and check on the makesort command line.
Selecting this check box will reveal a text field allowing other options to be passed to makesort and hence to the compiler command line.
This selects the data format. This must be set before a event by event data file is opened, but may be set after a sort code is compiled and loaded (provided a file isn't already open).

Steven M. Singer
Last modified: Wed Sep 29 22:09:00 BST 1999