ActiveTcl User Guide

MainFrame - Manage toplevel with menu, toolbar and statusbar
MainFrame pathName ?option value...?
OPTIONS from ProgressBar
  -background or -bg   -progressfg (see -foreground)
  -progressmax (see -maximum)   -progresstype (see -type)
  -progressvar (see -variable)
pathName addindicator ?arg...?
pathName addtoolbar
pathName cget option
pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
pathName getframe
pathName getindicator index
pathName getmenu menuid
pathName gettoolbar index
pathName setmenustate tag state
pathName showstatusbar name
pathName showtoolbar index bool


MainFrame manage toplevel to have:

Specifies the desired height for the user frame in any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels. If this option is less than or equal to zero (the default) then the window will not request any size at all.
-menu (read-only)
This option describes the menu. This is a list whose each five elements describe one cascade menu. It has the following form: {menuname tags menuId tearoff menuentries...} where menuentries is a list where each element describe one menu entry, which can be: where: Each value enclosed by ? are optional and defaulted to empty string, but must be provided if one or more following options is not empty.
set descmenu {
    "&File" {} {} 0 {
        {command "&New"     {} "Create a new document"     {Ctrl n} -command Menu::new}
        {command "&Open..." {} "Open an existing document" {Ctrl o} -command Menu::open}
        {command "&Save"    open "Save the document" {Ctrl s} -command Menu::save}
        {cascade  "&Export"  {} export 0 {
            {command "Format &1" open "Export document to format 1" {} -command {Menu::export 1}}
            {command "Format &2" open "Export document to format 2" {} -command {Menu::export 2}}
        {cascade "&Recent files" {} recent 0 {}}
        {command "E&xit" {} "Exit the application" {} -command Menu::exit}
    "&Options" {} {} 0 {
        {checkbutton "Toolbar" {} "Show/hide toolbar" {} 
            -variable Menu::_drawtoolbar
            -command  {$Menu::_mainframe showtoolbar toolbar $Menu::_drawtoolbar}
-separator (read-only)
Specifies if separator should be drawn at the top and/or at the bottom of the user window. Must be one of the values none, top, bottom or both. It depends on the relief of subwidgets of user window.
Specifies the textvariable option for the label of the status bar. DynamicHelp description of menu entries are mapped to this variable at the creation of the MainFrame. If this variable is changed by MainFrame::configure, menu description will not be available.
You change the text of the label by modifying the value of the variable.
Specifies the desired width for the user frame in any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels. If this option is less than or equal to zero (the default) then the window will not request any size at all.

pathName addindicator ?arg...?
Add an indicator box at the right of the status bar. Each indicator are added from left to right. An indicator is a Tk label widget configured with option-value pair given by ?arg...?. -relief and -borderwidth options are respetively defaulted to sunken and 1. Returns the pathname of the created label.
pathName addtoolbar
Add a toolbar to the MainFrame. Returns the pathname of the new window where to place toolbar items.
pathName cget option
Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option. Option may have any of the values accepted by the creation command.
pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options for pathName. If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have any of the values accepted by the creation command. Read-only options are not be modified.
pathName getframe
Returns the pathname of the user window.
pathName getindicator index
Returns the pathname of the indexth added indicator.
pathName getmenu menuid
Returns the pathname of the menu whose id is menuid.
pathName gettoolbar index
Returns the pathname of the indexth added toolbar.
pathName setmenustate tag state
Set the -state option value of all the menu entries that have the tag tag to state.
pathName showstatusbar name
name is one of none, status or progression. Use none to hide the status bar, status to display the label only, or progression to display the label and the ProgressBar.
pathName showtoolbar index bool
Hide if bool is 0, or show if bool is 1 the indexth added toolbar. To prevent your toplevel from resizing while hiding/showing toolbar, do [wm geometry $top [wm geometry $top]] when it is managed.