ActiveTcl User Guide

ArrowButton - Button widget with an arrow shape.
ArrowButton pathName ?option value...?
  -background or -bg   -borderwidth or -bd
  -foreground or -fg
pathName cget option
pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
pathName invoke


ArrowButton can be of two types following type option: for button type, it is standard button with an arrow drawn on it; for arrow type, it is an arrow like scrollbar's arrow.

Specifies a Tcl command to associate with the ArrowButton when mouse button 1 is pressed over the ArrowButton. When repeatdelay or repeatinterval option is positive integer, this command is repeatedly called if mouse pointer is over the button and until mouse button 1 is released.
When ArrowButton type is arrow, specifies the border width of the arrow. Must be 1 or 2.
When ArrowButton type is arrow, specifies the relief of the arrow. Must be raised or sunken.
Specifies a level of quality, between 0 and 2, for the arrow. If 0, the arrow is drawn with its maximum width and height. If 1, the base of arrow is arranged to be odd to have same edges. If 2, the base of arrow is arranged to be odd and the orthogonal to be (base+1)/2 to have 'straight' diagonal for edges.
Specifies a Tcl command to associate with the ArrowButton. This command is typically invoked when mouse button 1 is released over the ArrowButton window.
Specifies the direction of the arrow: top, bottom, left or right.
Specifies a Tcl command to associate with the ArrowButton when mouse button 1 is released. This command is called even if pointer is not over the ArrowButton, and always before the command specified by command option. It is typically used in conjuntion with armcommand, repeatdelay and repeatinterval.
Specifies a desired height for the ArrowButton. The value is in screen units.
Text for dynamic help. If empty, no help is available for this widget. See also DynamicHelp.
Type of dynamic help. Use balloon or variable. See also DynamicHelp.
Variable to use when helptype option is variable. See also DynamicHelp.
Specifies a minimun pad between the ArrowButton border and the right and left side of the arrow. The value is in screen units.
Specifies a minimun pad between the ArrowButton border and the top and bottom side of the arrow. The value is in screen units.
Specifies one of three states for the ArrowButton: normal, active, or disabled.
If ArrowButton type is button:
In normal state the ArrowButton is displayed using the foreground and background options. The active state is typically used when the pointer is over the ArrowButton. In active state the ArrowButton is displayed using the activeforeground and activebackground options. In disabled state the disabledforeground and background options determine how the ArrowButton is displayed.
If ArrowButton type is arrow:
Only colors of arrow change. The background of ArrowButton is always displayed using troughcolor option. In normal state the ArrowButton is displayed using the background option. The active state is typically used when the pointer is over the ArrowButton. In active state the ArrowButton is displayed using the activebackground option. In disabled state the ArrowButton is displayed with a dark stipple.
Disabled state means that the ArrowButton should be insensitive: the default bindings will refuse to activate the widget and will ignore mouse button presses.
Determines the type of the ArrowButton: button for standard button look, or arrow scrollbar's arrow look.
Specifies a desired width for the ArrowButton. The value is in screen units.

pathName cget option
Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option. Option may have any of the values accepted by the creation command.
pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options for pathName. If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may have any of the values accepted by the creation command. Read-only options are not be modified.
pathName invoke
If ArrowButton state is not disabled, this invoke the commands of the button. ArrowButton is redisplayed with active color and sunken relief, and armcommand is called. Then ArrowButton is redisplayed with normal color and its defined relief, and disarmcommand then command are called.

invoke is called when ArrowButton has input focus and user press the space bar.