LyrTech application changes notes

26 Jan 2009
First official release. Firmware supports 4 or 12 channels with external or internal trigger.
Only firmwares dated 19 Jan or later are supported.

14 Apr 2009
Update file released. Updates c:/MIDAS/LyrTech directory. Copy VHSADC_RTDEXexecV2.exe into c:/MIDAS/Data_Acq/bin/Win32.
Supports firmwares up to 1.A
New layout for Firmware Parameter Control Window. Adds support for PileUp and OverRange tags.
Firmware reset performed by data acquisition program on GO which ensures that any changes to the MWD parameters are activated.

11 May 2009
Update file released. Contains support for Virtex4 boards.
Updates c:/MIDAS/LyrTech directory. Copy VHSADC_RTDEXexecV2.exe into c:/MIDAS/Data_Acq/bin/Win32.
Firmware directory (bit) now contains 2 directories (Virtex2 and Virtex4) which contain the firmware files for the 2 board types. Virtex2 contains 4 and 12 channel versions of 1.D version firmware. Virtex4 contains 16 channel version of 1.E version firmware (sageV4_rel1_e_16chan_30Apr09.bit).
The data acquisition program VHSADC_RTDEXexecV2.exe and the GUI support both board types.
When you update your installation be careful to preserve local settings/options in c:\MIDAS\LyrTech\StartUp\RTDEX2.cmd.
GUI reintroduces support for non MWD firmwares by setting the option under the vhsadc key UserGUIVersion to 1.

28 July 2009
New complete system zip file released. Supports both Virtex2 and Virtex4 boards and latest firmware files are included.
Based on Tcl/Tk release 8.5.7 and LyrTech ADP release 4.0
Performance when reading and writting numbers of hardware parameters (in particular parameter save/restore) has been greatly improved.
Note that the data acquisition program is now VHSADC_RTDEXexecV4.exe (to indicate ADT 4.0).

Software Installation

Application Setup

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