AGATA Testbed Electronics Contact page

This list was last updated on Thursday 1stth May 2003 at 12.00.

Click on the group title to email all the people interested in the topics listed.

Click on the individual’s name to email them directly.

Link to the latest (1st May 2003) copy of the AGATA test bed outline specification (draft 3)

(read-only MS Word file - copy it and work on the bits you need).

Link to the PDF version.

ADC card(s)including preamp interface (click to email all interested people)

ADC to Pre-processing interface (click to email all interested people)

Pre-processing card (click to email all interested people)

Pre-processing to PSA interface (click to email all interested people)

Preprocessing Algorithms (click to email all interested people)

GUI and Control Interface (click to email all interested people)